Large Bouquet Elegance, thirty various flowers in silver
A unique silver bouquet Elegance of 30 different meadow flowers. Bouquets composed of different species are some of our most popular products, and the same goes for this large bouquet. It makes for an especially lovely gift and way to celebrate your precious moments. Placed in a vase it will spread joy and beauty for generations to come.
Price: 39 870 CZK Original price: 39 870 CZK
In stock
When shopping over 5 000 CZK Free transport.Details of product:
- Composition: Ribwort plantain 2x, ryegrass 1x, lavender 3x, cornflower 4x, violet 3x, violet leaf 2x, mouse-ear chickweed 3x, lilac 4x, bellflower 4x, daisy 4x
- Silver 925/1000
- Collection: GIYOU 2022/Jewellery Meadow Flowers. Unlimited
- Galvanized with silver 999/1000
- Design and expert, jewellery production in Czech Republic
- 30 days for return
- Free standard shipping
- Personal customer support, directly from the manufacturer, secure payment, fast delivery
Need help?
- The weights and prices of all silver flowers are also available here
- We will be happy to assist with your selection or order: +420-775-555-531,