Large bouquet of golden flowers GIYOU in a vase


Miracles of nature. Uniqueness. Large jewellery bouquets for a gifting, precious moments, home decoration.

Royal Golden Bouquet Cardiff, bouquet of five golden daffodils in a vase

Golden Bouquet Cardiff 

Bouquet of five golden daffodils. Weight of the bouquet Cardiff is 92.5 to 99 g. Gold 585/1000. 

Royal Silver Bouquet Prague, bouquet of 80 silver flowers in a vase

Silver Bouquet Prague 

Bouquet of 80 various silver flowers. Cornflower 13x, ryegrass 5x, ribwort plantain 5x, lavender (double) 4x, bellflower 16x, daisy (large) 2x, daisy (small) 9x, mouse-ear chickweed 7x, lilac 5x, violet leaf 7x, violet 7x. Silver 925/1000.

Royal Golden Bouquet Vienna, bouquet of 10 golden snowdrops in a vase

Golden Bouquet Vienna

Bouquet of 10 snowdrops. Weight of the bouquet Vienna is 73.0 to 82.0 g78.0 to 84.0 g. Gold 585/1000.

Royal Golden Bouquet Berlin, bouquet of 20 golden flowers in a vase

Golden Bouquet Berlin

Bouquet of 20 various gold flowers. Ryegrass 2x, bellflower 3x, cornflower 2x, mouse-ear chickweed 3x, daisy 2x, ribwort plantain 1x, lavender (double) 1x, violet 2x, violet leaf 3x, lilac 1x. Gold 585/1000. Weight of the bouquet Berlin is 76.8 to 85.3 g. Gold 585/1000.

Royal Golden Bouquet New York, bouquet of 30 golden flowers in a vase

Golden Bouquet New York

Bouquet of 30 various gold flowers. Ryegrass 2x, ribwort plantain 2x, ribwort plantain 2x, cornflower 4x, lavender (double) 2x, violet leaf 2x, violet 3x, bellflower 6x, daisy 4x, lilac 2x, mouse-ear chickweed 3x. Weight of the bouquet New York is 122,65 to 138,1 g. Gold  585/1000.

Golden Bouquet Paris

Bouquet of 30 various gold flowers. Forget-me-not 3x, clove pink 1x, Brazilian Joyweed 2x, obediant plant 1x, daisy 5x, mouse-ear chickweed 5x, ribwort plantain 1x, bellflower 3x, violet 3x, violet leaf 4x. Weight of the bouquet Paris is 135.3 to 145.4 g. Gold 585/1000.

Royal Golden Bouquet Saky, bouquet of 50 golden flowers in a vase

Golden Bouquet Saky

Bouquet of 50 various gold flowers. Violet 5x, violet leaf 5x, bellflower 10x, daisy 7x, mouse-ear chickweed 6x, cornflower 6x, lavender (double) 2x, lilac 3x, ryegrass 3x, ribwort plantain 3x. Gold 585/1000. Weight of the bouquet Saky is 202,6 to 228,8 g.

Royal Golden Bouquet Rome of 100 golden flowers in Moser vase

Golden Bouquet Rome

Bouquet of 100 various golden flowers. Clove pink 5x, cornflower 7x, forget-me-not 7x, reygrass 6x, ribwort plantainl 9x, violet leaf 6x, violet 6x, mouse-ear chickweed  7x, lilac 5x, snowdrop 5x, lavender (simple) 2x, lavender (double) 3x, Brazilian Joyweed 4x, daisy 12x, bellflower 12x, obediant plant 4x.  Gold 585/1000. Weight of the bouquet Rome is 498,1 to 554,9 g.

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