Price above 500.000 CZK

Golden Bouquet Saky Golden Bouquet Saky

Golden Bouquet Saky

A masterful bouquet of fifty golden flowers. Born from love of flowers, quality and jewellery craftsmanship. An extraordinary present or unique home décor. A gift for a woman, an anniversary gift. Engagement and wedding flowers. Czech unique craftsmanship. 585/1000 (14 ct) gold. If you’d like for the bouquet to be made of finer gold (18 ct or 24 ct), get in touch with us. Personal customer care, showroom, jewellery boutique in Prague.

Price: 612 000 CZK

Golden Bouguet Rome Golden Bouguet Rome

Golden Bouguet Rome

A masterful bouquet of 100 golden flowers. An extraordinary gift or unique home décor in a vase. A luxury gift for a woman, a luxury gift for a man. Engagement, wedding gift, gift for the bride. Untraditional, luxury gold jewelry. Unique jewellery craftsmanship. Personal customer care, showroom, GIYOU GARDEN.

Price: 1 587 128 CZK